Reveal your forecast optimization potential with Forecast Fast Scan

The Forecast Fast Scan quantifies your forecasting improvement potential, by industry benchmarking your forecast and providing insights into the maximum forecast accuracy that can be reached. All in just a few days.

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Track record up to:


improved forecast accuracy


bias reduction


demand planners' time saved
What you get

Insight into forecastability

Gain rapid insights into the main demand characteristics and forecastability of your business. The scan reveals the highest possible statistical forecast accuracy that can be reached and identifies the main opportunities for improvement.

What you get

Quantified improvement potential

The Forecast Fast Scan supports you to quantify potential service level improvement, inventory reductions as well as efficiency gains in your forecasting process, helping you to build a strong business case for improving your demand planning process.

What you get

Built on extensive forecasting experience

The scan delivers fact-based results, making use of EyeOn’s extensive experience in benchmarking of forecasting processes. We will quantify your forecast improvement potential with the help of detailed results dashboards in PowerBI.

The Forecast Fast Scan immediately delivers:

  • Tangible insights into your data quality
  • Quick win parameter updates, including seasonality & trends
  • A roadmap to step up your forecast performance and get years ahead
  • Data-driven ROI justification for improvement initiatives

Take advantage of over two decades of experience in forecast improvement

Kim Allaert – Group Operations Manager at Pietercil Delby's

“Amidst multiple brand acquisitions, we considered the impact on our current statistical forecasting setup. With EyeOn Fast Scan, we conducted a quick and comprehensive comparison of different forecasting logic, quantifying the improvement potential. This provided us with the confidence to switch from a monthly to a weekly model for five different brands and it significantly simplified the implementation of these findings in our demand planning tool."

See full testimonial

John Wisdom – Demand and Supply Planning Manager at Suntory

“We asked EyeOn's assistance in assessing the potential for improvement when transitioning from manual forecasting to statistical forecasting. Given our business's diverse customer landscape and the need to factor in seasonality, we sought an enhanced forecasting approach capable of addressing these intricate parameters while making the jobs of our demand planners more meaningful. EyeOn Fast Scan revealed that with statistical forecasting we could match our current final forecast, without the manual effort that was put into it. These outcomes significantly bolstered our case for implementing statistical forecasting within the company."

Meindert de Louw - Director Contract Logistics

“In the logistics industry, forecasting demand is not common practice. Yet, EyeOn's Fast Scan has powerfully showcased the immense value that statistical forecasting can bring to our business. Which overall, improves our ability to effectively interact with our customers."

Marco Turk - Manager Demand & Inventory

“Running EyeOn Fast Scan on a subset of our data revealed the value of portfolio segmentation and statistical forecasting for our demand planning and inventory planning process. It demonstrated that 50% to 70% of our market can be accurately forecasted using statistical methods, allowing us to allocate our demand planners’ time and expertise more effectively. Next to that differentiating inventory policies setting per segment increased our service levels”

Maurits Jongens – Managing Director Caroz THE TMS

“EyeOn Fast Scan has revealed a significant potential for improvement in our forecasting capabilities. The data insights and actionable dashboards enable better decision-making, enhance planner collaboration, and streamline contract negotiations. We highly recommend EyeOn Fast Scan to companies looking to improve their planning and get ready for the years to come.”

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