Reveal your forecast optimization potential with Forecast Fast Scan
The Forecast Fast Scan quantifies your forecasting improvement potential, by industry benchmarking your forecast and providing insights into the maximum forecast accuracy that can be reached. All in just a few days.
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Track record up to:
improved forecast accuracy25%
bias reduction50%
demand planners' time savedInsight into forecastability
Gain rapid insights into the main demand characteristics and forecastability of your business. The scan reveals the highest possible statistical forecast accuracy that can be reached and identifies the main opportunities for improvement.
Quantified improvement potential
The Forecast Fast Scan supports you to quantify potential service level improvement, inventory reductions as well as efficiency gains in your forecasting process, helping you to build a strong business case for improving your demand planning process.
Built on extensive forecasting experience
The scan delivers fact-based results, making use of EyeOn’s extensive experience in benchmarking of forecasting processes. We will quantify your forecast improvement potential with the help of detailed results dashboards in PowerBI.
The Forecast Fast Scan immediately delivers:
- Tangible insights into your data quality
- Quick win parameter updates, including seasonality & trends
- A roadmap to step up your forecast performance and get years ahead
- Data-driven ROI justification for improvement initiatives