The data to decide better

From implementing quick-wins to industry-leading advanced data science projects, we work at your pace according to your reality. EyeOn is experienced in data handling, modelling, visualization, and digital transformation. We’re not just expert in leading tech and data science but offer dedicated apps to unleash your data destiny.

Honeycomb platform with EyeOn

EyeOn solves your data science challenges in Honeycomb, our data science platform built on Dataiku technology. To enable our industry-leading forecasting and inventory management approaches, we developed our own proprietary plugins. Honeycomb simplifies collaboration and enables us to run data science projects quickly, effectively, and at the highest quality.

Experienced with the tech you know and trust

Our offering

Quantitative assessments

Explore how advanced analytics can improve forecast quality and inventory levels.

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Tailored optimizations

Solve unique, urgent supply chain challenges in a project built for your needs.

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Interim data analysts

Get the interim talent and expertise you need to unlock your data potential until the team you need is firmly secured.

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Self-service apps

Access our forecasting and planning apps, built for self-service and powered by our world-class data experts.

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Business consultancy

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Planning solutions

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