Rethink your supply chain for resilience and sustainability
With supply chains experiencing shortages, rising transport costs, and looming CO2 emission taxes, it is time to rethink your supply chain for resilience and sustainability. We will provide insights how to improve or get started with regionalization, circularity, optimizing allocation of supply to markets, harvesting synergies after mergers and acquisitions, or developing your supply chain along with your strategy.
Inventory optimization: MEIO/2EIO
The last years have been all about supply chain disruption: the Covid pandemic, Brexit, and now war in Ukraine. All of these events put severe pressure on inventory management. Offering high service to customers while keeping inventory capital investments as low as possible has never been this challenging. The time to get your inventory management to a higher level is now! Multi-echelon inventory management (MEIO) might be the solution for you. MEIO techniques optimize inventory across all locations in a supply chain network simultaneously, contrary to the more traditionally used techniques that optimize inventory at a single location. MEIO enables you to better balance inventory, prevents unnecessarily duplicating safety stock, and it incorporates risk pooling. EyeOn has developed two MEIO models that help companies to gain complex insights and potential improvement opportunities.
The road to IBP: Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharma
The Boehringer Ingelheim Bio business unit started their IBP journey in 2020, bottom-up from a pilot supply site to a global S&OP supply network initiative kicked-off end of 2021. Focusing on short term integrated planning processes and culture rather than on a supporting tool. In his presentation, Felix Mey, Senior Manager Global Strategy Development, will share with you the different approaches, challenges and value-adds of this journey.
Driver-based forecasting
Many companies are spending a lot of time to manually include the effects of demand drivers, such as promotions, contracts, and macro-economic factors in their demand plan. Before this, a planner has spent a lot of time in cleaning historical actuals to create a solid baseline forecast. Relevant information often gets lost.
Learn from past impacts of your demand drivers and apply them to the future with machine learning! Next to explaining the concept and the EyeOn approach, we will present the case of one of our key customers where we implemented driver-based forecasting.
SAP APO – What’s next?
Is your company’s planning cycle still relying on SAP APO? SAP’s decision to cease to support APO in 2025 might seem like a major challenge for your business. But it also provides a great opportunity to revisit your planning landscape and capitalize on recent advances in this domain. Get inspired by some options we’ll share.
Boost performance and lighten your load with Planning Services
Exponentially growing amounts of available data are at the same time a challenge and an opportunity for businesses. Maximize the benefits with a smart-touch supply chain planning process. Learn how your company can take advantage of advanced analytics instantly, plugged-in to your existing planning tools. Minimize non-value-adding activities, maximize high quality decisions, and boost your supply chain planning performance. EyeOn Planning Services has a proven track record in offering advanced analytics as-a-service. Our approach enables multinational companies to accelerate business benefits while growing in-house supply chain forecasting and planning capabilities at their own pace.
Getting most value from forecast enrichment at AkzoNobel
Adding market intelligence to a statistical baseline forecast should make the final sales forecast more accurate. However, these ‘enrichments’ often make the forecast worse instead! Best-in-class enrichment processes minimize non-value-adding activities while maximizing the effectiveness of the enrichments being made. In this session Tobias Kraft from AkzoNobel will share their experience of using focused enrichment on a high-quality statistical baseline forecast, facilitated by the enrichment tool and actionable reporting provided by EyeOn Planning Services. And by doing so driving true forecast quality.
Insights of a mature IBP process: Merck Healthcare
IBP is the ‘backbone’ of various internal processes when it comes to financial/demand/supply plannin. Tolga Kula, from Merck Healthcare, will provide some insights on the IBP journey that Merck has had in the past years; starting from the kick-off in 2016.
He will explain why ‘Leadership support’ is key and how continuous improvement is embedded to keep the IBP spirit live. The digital elements to support the process will also be emphasized.
Fast implementation of a planning tool
How to implement a planning solution that provides quick results and insights, instead of waiting for months or years to finish an implementation?
EyeOn partners with several planning tool vendors of ‘fast planning solutions’, that offer an agile and fast implementation and a quick return on investment. We will explain which planning challenges can be solved and will give insights on how a solution like Jedox could support an S&OP process with complete control for the business.