know-how and experience

Industries overview

Consumer products

The EyeOn consumer products team serves FMCG and retail companies, and manufacturers of durable consumer goods.

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High tech

Cyclical demand patterns, short product life cycles and complex production processes create challenging circumstances in the high tech industry.

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Life science

We helps companies in the life science industry to effectively address the supply chain challenges faced in today’s and tomorrow’s world.

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The process team performs projects with companies in the chemical, food and feed, and base material industry.

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Marine & offshore

Planning complex projects is one of the key characteristics of the business of most shipbuilding and offshore related companies.

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We develop and share knowledge

In striving for success, large companies have to continuously struggle against growing internal complexity. We help our clients manage this complexity by designing, implementing and executing excellent planning processes as a critical factor for success. In order to achieve this, we develop and share knowledge about top level planning and forecasting, with proven return on investment for our clients.

Impactful improvements in practice

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