Kickstart your planning transformation with a well-defined supply chain operating model

How Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharma redefined their supply chain operating model as a solid foundation for IBP process design and global implementation


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In the context of rapid business development and a growing supply network, Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharma acknowledged that they needed a more integrated planning approach to increase decision-making speed and planning responsiveness, and enable integral comparison of different planning trade-offs.


Target supply chain operating model

target supply chain operating modelIn order to design a fit for purpose integrated planning process, they took the important step to first define what their future mode of planning operations should look like. Following EyeOn’s standard approach for a target supply chain operating model definition, this entailed:

  • Translation of strategic objectives and priorities to tactical planning principles
  • Mapping of the value chain and key planning constraints
  • Assessment of the planning processes and key decisions at different levels and horizons (strategic – tactical – operational)
  • A review of the planning control model and required capabilities

Based on the target operating model design, a gap fit assessment was performed to determine the improvement priorities and define a supply chain transformation roadmap.


IBP process design and global implementation

To execute the transformation roadmap, EyeOn has been supporting Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharma with the design, implementation, and roll-out of an integrated planning process. Starting with local level S&OP, stepping up towards a global level executive S&OP, and maturing the process towards IBP with further financial integration and cross-functional collaboration.


From reactive to proactive planning

By growing their planning maturity Boehringer Ingelheim Biopharma has made big advancements to move from a reactive to a proactive planning process. In addition, their planning transformation has helped them realize the following planning benefits that enable better decision making and improvement of bottom-line business performance:

  • Integration of processes
  • Clear planning objectives
  • Proactive planning
  • Financial reconciliation
  • One set of numbers
“EyeOn has supported us since 2020 by bringing in their functional expertise, industry experience and best practices, and operational know how. They understand the requirements of our business and how to reflect that in a comprehensive planning design. Furthermore they deliver great value to us by translating the design principles to effective operational processes and coaching us to make the change.” – Dr. Gabriele Langlouis, Head of Global SCM Bio at Boehringer Ingelheim


Curious about how EyeOn can help you redefine your supply chain operating model?

Pascal van den Boogaard, IBP expert & Germany team lead at EyeOn
Bart Paridaen E2E transformation lead at EyeOn

Contact our E2E transformation lead Bart Paridaen to learn how EyeOn can help you (re-)define your target operating model. Contact Pascal van den Boogaard to get further insights on the Boehringer planning transformation and integrated business planning.

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